Guantanamo’s Librarian

Guantanamo Bay Detainee

“Here, my friend, come, you ride with me.” Mohammed slid a box off the bench seat of his golf cart and motioned for me to sit. Our destination was not far, but rather than jog at his side in the mid-day heat of a “black flag” day I accepted his offer. As we worked our way through the maze of chain link fence draped with sniper net, I continued to film Guantanamo’s librarian while he drove…

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Pepper Spray

My eyes were stinging from the pepper spray that was making the guy I was sitting on scream, and while I waited for Todd to come back from the patrol car I tried to remember exactly how it was I ended up doing this for a living…

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Call to Prayer

Guantanamo Bay Morning Prayer

It was 4:30 am. The sky was still pitch black overhead, but beneath me a sea of fluorescent light stretched into the distance. I was alone in a guard tower overlooking Camp Delta – a sprawling mass of buildings, fences, and seemingly endless barbed wire…

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Yosemite Search and Rescue

We’ve lost the trail again. Wet snow stings my face as I post hole back to the last piece of flagging. Visibility is dropping, and the pink marker is already out of site just a hundred feet back. There, found it. Whipping in the wind, it’s tied to a snag where the trail leaves some trees. Ok, start over, where does it go from here… come on, think…

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Everest ER

Joe is a teacher from New Jersey, and last week his body decided that climbing Mt. Everest was, as many would agree, an exceptionally bad idea…

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Women’s LPGA Khumbu Open

Everest Base Camp

Skies were clear at 17,600 feet this morning, but brisk winds forced a brief delay of the first annual Women’s Low Pressure Golf Association Khumbu Open. At the foot of Mt Everest, this historic event marked a milestone in high altitude golf competition, and by noon the glacier’s edge was packed with an international crowd…

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